Economic Analysis/Modeling
The RIAS Inc. team is known for innovative, leading edge economic analysis and modeling. Recent work has included development of a cash-flow model used to assess the economic impacts of regulatory response times, an assessment of the economic implications to Canada’s agricultural sector of a regulatory change using a combined budget-market model, and a detailed microeconomic model of firm-level impacts, and a combination of tax model and input-output analysis to quantify the macroeconomic impacts on key sectors of the Canadian economy of federal user fees.
Regulatory Impact Analysis
RIAS Inc.consultants are leaders in regulatory impact analysis. We have designed and carried out dozens of impact assessments of government regulations, policies, programs and proposals, providing expert assessments of potential impacts on investment, employment, international competitiveness and productivity growth.
Cost-Benefit Analysis
We have conducted many major cost-benefit analyses for regulatory agencies and have advised departments on numerous others. Our consultants are experts in the use of the latest techniques to valuate health effects, environmental amenities, and safety and security benefits. We are also experts in conducting cost of compliance studies with industry stakeholders and validating results. Our consultants have provided CBA and RIA training to regulators within the Government of Canada, Government of Ontario, and to governments of Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Colombia and Peru.
Applied Policy Research
Our consultants have directed many multi-disciplinary policy research projects over the past 35 years. Our team has expertise across a range of policy areas, such as health, environment, energy, transportation, finance, labour, to name a few. We provide expert analysis and advice to clients on the identification and assessment of public policies issues, and in designing appropriate and effective policy responses, including regulatory options.